Thursday, July 3, 2008

Week 4 - Thing 8

At the bottom of the page are the blogs I have subscribed to by Google Reader. This was a much easier application than Bloglines, IMHO. With the Google choices I could add the RSS to my igoogle page and locate it where I chose. Then, when I was looking to see how to add the url for public access, Blogger does it for you when you add an element to the page.

I did, however, spend too much time trying to locate the tabs like shown in the 23 Things pages. I never did find it after multiple tries, etc. That is the frustrating part of technology. It is supposed to be the easiest, most logical thing to add or do, and you can spend hours trying to find or do it. When a tech person shows you where or how to do it, it only makes you feel that less competent. sigh

Using an RSS feed on the library page would be helpful for teachers looking for current information for projects, as well as students. Thinking about it more, a wiki page would be the best option. Content can be changed and modified as needed, not the timely process it is now with the web pages provided by the district. Also, if anyone is undergoing curriculum review, it would be beneficial to gather the latest information for that department or grade level. Another neat public relations aspect would be to have feeds for the local sports, music, and/or drama productions.

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