Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week 3 - Thing 5A.1

Converted the picture of my adorable grandson into bead art. Not too much challenge completing this - unless you'd actually construct the picture out of plastic beads.

Week 3 - Thing 5A

OK - this is not good. I could spend absolutely too much time playing with these cool tools. I found the other application tools, looked around at the variety there, and found the Warholizer tool. I love Andy Warhol's pop art, so I got the disc from the digital and uploaded the pictures (all 245 of them onto the laptop - goal accomplished), found this picture of my granddaughter and Warholized her. Here she is!! And, OK, maybe it is just me, but isn't she just darling?

Now, I'll have to do something different for my grandson.

Week 3 - Thing 5

Hanging Grapes
Originally uploaded by Ducatirider
Found this picture after spending time looking for pictures of shoes, ducks, cats, flowers, Avignon, tapas, Chicago, margaritas....just some of my favorite things. None of them struck my fancy, so I looked for my favorite fruit - grapes - and found this bunch that looks absolutely perfect to eat with some brie. Yum!

Since I created an account on Flickr months ago, and never used it, I followed the procedure to use Flickr's blog feature. Seamless and painless procedure.

Now, my next goal is to upload some of my own pictures.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 2 - Things 3 & 4

Regarding the 7 1/2 Habits, the most challenging habit for me is to see problems as challenges. It could be due to the fact for the past two years I served as president of our education association. If the phone rang - it was a problem I had to deal with, not a challenge. The challenge was juggling all of the balls that were thrown at me for those two years besides doing the regular day job of being a middle school librarian. But, big sigh of relief, my term is complete which will allow me to catch up and refine what Web 2.0 skills I learned on the fly.

The easiest habit is to begin with the end in mind. It might be because I have become a bit of a nag at school about Wiggins and McTighe's Understanding by Design model by asking teachers the question that causes great consternation "What is it you want the students to know and be able to do when they have..." Fill in the blanks there with some of the projects you've seen over the years - the ABC book, the state/president/country report, etc. - busywork and very little learning for the students. Here is a link to another blog posting a contest of projects that have been assigned.

So, even if it is a lesson I design or renovate a room, I have a picture in my mind's eye of what I want. Does it always happen? Nope, still working on the long, lean legs.